



Thorsen R, Della Costa D, Chiaramonte S, Binda L, Redaelli T, Occhi E, Beghi E, Converti RM, Ferrarin M. “Multicenter clinical trial of Myoelectrically-controlled FES (MeCFES) for assisting hand function in subjects with tetraplegia –A study of user population, orthotic effect and ADL use” Annual conference of the international FES society Vienna, Austria, September 8th – 12th, 2010


Thorsen R, Della Costa D, Chiaramonte S, Binda L, Redaelli T, Occhi E, Beghi E, Converti RM, Ferrarin M, “Clinical trial of Myoelectrically controlled FES (MeCFES) for assisting hand function in subjects with tetraplegia – A study of user population, orthotic effect and ADL use”, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the International FES Society, 21-25 September 2008, Freiburg, Germany, 2008. In: Biomedizinische Technik, 53,Supplement 1, pp.37-39, 2008.


Thorsen R, Cortesi M, Jonsdottir J, Carpinella I, Morelli D, Casadio M, Puglia M, Mazzoleni P, Casiraghi A, Diverio M, Converti R and Ferrarin M “A Pilot Study on the Therapeutic Effect of MeCFES Assisted Figer Extension on the Hand of Hemiparetic Subjects – Preliminary Data”, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the International FES Society, 21-25 September 2008, Freiburg, Germany, 2008. In: Biomedizinische Technik, 53,Supplement 1, pp 71-73, 2008.


Thorsen R, Della Costa D, Chiaramonte S, Binda L, Redaelli T, Occhi E, Beghi E, Converti RM, Ferrarin M, “Clinical trial of Myoelectrically controlled FES (MeCFES) for assisting hand function in subjects with tetraplegia – A study of user population, orthotic effect and ADL use”, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the International FES Society, 21-25 September 2008, Freiburg, Germany, 2008. In: Biomedizinische Technik, 53,Supplement 1, pp.37-39, 2008.


Thorsen R  and Ferrarin M  ”Chargepump Output Circuit For Biphasic FES”, Proc. 9’th Vienna Int. Workshop Func. Elect. Stim. 2007


Occhi E and  Thorsen R  “Il Ruolo Ergonomico Della Stimolazione Funzionale”  Corso Nazionale di aggiornamento So.M.I.Par, Livigno, 28-31 March 2006, Italy


Thorsen R, Binda L, Occhi E and Ferrarin M “First experience of MeCFES for assisting tetraparetic hands in activities of daily living” Proceedings of the XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK), pp 176-177, 2006, Turin


Thorsen R, Schopman M, Pigini L, Ferrarin M “A Biofeedback system for physical reeducation to avoid movements causing low back pain” Proceedings of the XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK), p 216, 2006, Turin


Capitani E, Pozzi C, Thorsen R and Occhi E  ”La mano funzionale: ortesi e ausili, FES, chirurgia” Convegno So.M.I.Par, Rimini, 2005, Italy


Thorsen R, Parelli R, Pellegatta D, Ferrarin M, Myoelectric Biofeedback and FES in Rehabilitation of Elderly Stroke Patients, International Symposium on Neuromuscular Assessment in the Elderly Worker (NEW), Torino, Italy, 20-21 February, CD ROM proceedings., 2004


Thorsen R, Occhi E, Boccardi S and Ferrarin M "Tenodesis grip augmented by EMG controlled FES",Proc. 9th Annual Conference of the International FES Society, 2nd Conference of FESnet, 6-9 September, Bournemouth (UK), pp 129-131. 2004


Mazzoleni P, Rabuffetti M, Carpinella I, Thorsen R and Ferrarin M "Protocollo sperimentale per l'analisi cinematica della mano: definizione e ripetibilità", Atti del V Congresso Nazionale Società di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica (SIAMOC), Loano (SV), 3-5 ottobre, pp. 51. 2004


Carpinella I, Rabuffetti M, Mazzoleni P, Thorsen R and Ferrarin M "A quantitative method to evaluate hand voluntary range of movement", Proc. 9th Annual Conference of the International FES Society, 2nd Conference of FESnet, 6-9 September 2004, Bournemouth (UK), pp 460-462.


Freschi M, Thorsen R, Viganò S, and Ferrarin M "An Automatic Procedure For The Determination Of F-Wave Latency And End Intervals During FES" 7th ann.  conf. of  int. functional electrical stimulation society, 2003


Occhi E and Thorsen R, Facilitation of grasping with virtual tendon transfer by FES in tetraplegic patients, XI National Congress of SoMIPar, Genova, Italy, 2003.


Thorsen R, Freschi M, Viganò S, and Ferrarin M. Can the high repetition rate induced F-Wave be volitionally controlled? Proc. of the VII IFESS Congress,Ljubljana 2002;June 25-28:155-157.


Occhi E, and Thorsen R  "Il Ruolo Ergonomico della Chirurgia Funzionale (Trasferimento Virtuale Estensori - Flessori  Senza L'intervento Chirurgico)" V Corso Nazionale di aggiornamento So.M.I.Par. 14-16 novembre 2002, HOTEL CONTINENTAL E DEI CONGRESSI , Rimini, Italy


Thorsen R, Burridge J, Donaldson N, M. Ferrarin, J. Norton, and Veltink P. Auto-Myo-Electric Control of FES on Tibialis Anterior. A Pilot Study With Stroke Patients. Proceedings of the 6 th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society 2001;147-149.


Thorsen R, Ferrarin M and Frigo C “An Approach Using Wrist Extension As Control Of Fes For Restoration Of Hand Function In Tetraplegics,” Proc. 6’th Vienna Int. Workshop Func. Elect. Stim. 2001


Thorsen R, Burridge J, Donaldson N, M. Ferrarin, J. Norton, and Veltink P. Auto-Myo-Electric Control of FES on Tibialis Anterior. A Pilot Study With Stroke Patients. Proceedings of the 6 th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society 2001;147-149.


Thorsen R, Veltink P, Ferrarin M, and Frigo C. Precision of Myo-electrically Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation of the Paretic Hand after a Spinal Cord Lesion. Proceedings of the 5 th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society 2000;494-7.


Thorsen R,Veltink P, Ferrarin M and Frigo C “Precision of Myo-electrically Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation of the Paretic Hand after a Spinal Cord Lesion” Proc. of the V Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS), Aalborg, June 17-24, pp. 494-497. 2000


Ferrarin M, Frigo C, Frasson W, Pavan E and Thorsen R "Optimisation of electrodes' position for EMG-based control of FES on lower limbs", Proc. of the V Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS), Aalborg, June 17-24, 2000, pp. 341-344.


Thorsen R, Ferrarin M, Schuurmans J, P.Veltink, and C.Frigo. The Myoelectric Signal as Control For Functional Electrical Stimulation. SENIAM – Fourth Topical Workshop – ‘s Hertogoenbosh, The Netherlands 1999;(Future App. Surface EMG):140-145.


Thorsen R, Ferrarin M, Schuurmans J, Veltink P and Frigo C “The Myoelectric Signal as Control For Functional Electrical Stimulation,” SENIAM - Fourth Topical Workshop - 's Hertogoenbosh, The Netherlands, pp. 140-145,1999


Thorsen R,  Biering-Sørensen F, Andersen OT and Hansen SD  “Myoelectric Signals from Paretic Muscles Controlling Electrical Stimulation of the Same Muscle,” 4’th Topical Workshop of the Concerted Action, RAFT, Springer-Verlag, pp. 373-376,1996

R. Thorsen: “La Stimolazione Elettrica Funzionale Nell'emiplegico E Nel Tetraplegico”  SIVA-Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi IRCCS, 15 Marzo 2004, Milano, Italy
2003 Thorsen R. Myoelectric Control of Functional Electrical Stimulation & Biofeedback: Restoration of Movements for Spinal Cord Injured and Stroke Patients. Boston,USA, Oct. 21,2003;Invited Speaker
2003 Thorsen R. Virtual tendon transfer. Associazione paraplegici longobardia:"Gli ausili per la mobilita", Centro Girola, Milano,Italy, Oct. 6-9;Invited speaker
Frasson W. "Una neuroprotesi per il recupero motorio di muscoli paretici controllata dal segnale mioelettrico residuo", Frigo C.  Ferrarin M., Thorsen R., Tesi di Laurea in Ingegneria Biomedica, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Dipartimento di Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano.; Masters thesis supervisor
1998 R.Thorsen: ”The approach of Muscle Stimulation controlled by voluntary activity of synergistic muscles”, Sensations and Neuros Workshop, 7-8 June 1998, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1997-2003 etc.

Referee for indexed journals

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Journal of Neural Engineering, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Meas. Sci. Technol

Tutor for masters students
 Explanative title
Luca Binda, M.D. Thesis. The Hand Function of  the Spinal Cord Injured
Two exchange Students in Biomedical Engineering and Ergonomics. Rehabilitaion and prevention of low back pain.
Two  B.Sc. Thesis  students. Effect on biofeedback on the F-wave.
M.Sc. Thesis on Artificial Neural Networks for feature extraction of the EMG signal.
M.Sc.Thesis, Control of lower extremity FES by EMG from the back muscles
M.A. Thesis Industrial Design, An ergonomic splint for easy electrode positioning.